Sunday, January 21, 2018

When is a cult not a cult

To this point, I've lived most of my life in a Christian community and so I know that the label "cult" is a negative one and what it tends to mean to people. I remember that people would accuse us of being one, and we would laugh about it, knowing how far the accusation was from reality. "Cult" implies a certain level of people being controlled in an improper way.

A few disclaimers before going any further. Firstly I want to stress that I don't regard the community I used to live in as a cult or a place where people are controlling other people improperly. Secondly I recognize that such places do exist and very sad things have happened to people in them. The following thoughts are not intended to deny such experiences or attempt to explain them away. The exposure of lies should illuminate truth, not cheapen it.

Leaving community as I now am, I've been mulling over many things and this is one of them. When is a cult not a cult? My answer is that it takes two to tango, and a cult cannot truly exist without members. Furthermore, you can have all the structure and form of a cult in place - down to the tyrannical despot in charge - and yet someone can live in these surroundings and not be living in a cult.

Contrariwise, there can be a community which is set up perfectly with no hint of "cult-ness" about it, and people can live there and be living in a cult.

"I lived in a cult" can therefore sometimes be received as a confession - "I lived", rather than a denunciation - "in a cult".

How you receive is the key to what seems like a contradiction here. "Take heed how you hear" Jesus cautions. "For with the same measure that you use to measure, it will be measured to you".
As for myself I'm finding a strange mixture inside. While the vast majority of what I've learned from my past experience has been wholesome, I am having to detox from certain assumptive ways of thinking; yet while understanding that any such poison has been from my own measuring cup. The assumptions I took on board were never what the community was supposed to be about, never why it was begun: they were only natural byproducts of a certain logistical setup if you will, and supposed to be recognized as such and rejected. Much like how the body recognizes and eliminates toxins it takes in. Perhaps if I could fault one thing in the organization I speak of it would be a lack of clearer teaching warning about such natural assumptions.

Because of course, this whole subject is really about how you receive - take in - eat... There are a few interesting studies about how gratitude can actually make you more healthy. Just think about it - being thankful while you are eating junk food might actually be better for you than being ungrateful while eating health food!

Following on from this I think is the state in which "no deadly thing shall harm you". This is not a promise to be taken lightly: it involves and relies on a complete paradigm shift; a complete abandon to a new life. Jesus said about himself "the prince of this world comes and he has no claim over me / no power over me / has nothing in me". Water off a duck's back.

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